suzanne with folder



From July 2023 I will be semi-retiring, I will only be dealing with a few Property Sales.

If you have any questions or need any kind of assistance please don’t hesitate to contact me and I will try to help in anyway I can. I am fluent in English and Norwegian, and my Spanish is not too bad either.

Please allow me to present myself and to explain to you how I ended up on the magical island of Tenerife.

I was born in the UK, Yorkshire actually, during the summer of 1953.
Had a wonderful time growing up with my parents and my two younger brothers. Then I reached the ripe old age of 19, was fed up with school, the UK and my younger brothers! (that’s a joke, they both know that I love them very much!) So I thought what do I do next? I was in Budleigh Salterton at this time on holiday with my family, (it’s a beautiful place on the south coast of England for the people who haven’t heard of it).
I didn’t think it was beautiful then and I was bored out of my mind, I really wanted to do things with my friends at this time in life, not with my family, every teenager has been there! So I decided to dream about living abroad, I didn’t tell anybody about this dream I just went out and bought a copy of The Times and started looking for a job as a Nanny/Au Pair. Not that I liked children at the time, but I had got it into my head that I wanted to go abroad for a year to think and to decide what I was going to do with my life. Being a Nanny/Au-Pair was the easiest way to do it. I applied for two jobs one in France, (my French was rather good then) and one in Norway a place I knew very little about, (hadn’t paid much attention in my geography lessons!) After discussing the situation with my family I decided to go for Norway (there was only one child to look after over there).

I left the UK for Oslo, Norway on January 17th 1973, this was the biggest adventure of my life so far. I remember sitting on the plane thinking ”do I really want to do this?”, I suppose I was both a little afraid and a little excited at the same time. My first memory after walking through customs at Oslo airport, Fornebu, is this little five year old girl running towards me with her arms out shouting my name! I had arrived in Norway, the place that was to be my home for the next year, or so I thought! It ended up being my home for the next twenty nine years. I soon got into the Norwegian way of life, my Norwegian family were fantastic, they took me everywhere with them and they even taught me how to ski. I stayed with them for nearly two years and we are still in touch. I made a lot of friends during those years and I try to stay in touch with most of them.

Christmas 1999 arrived and a very good friend of mine from England suggested that I meet her for a weeks holiday in Tenerife. Everybody that knows me knows that if there’s a holiday going I will go for it! So Tenerife it was and I loved it! I ended up coming back for holidays at least four times a year during 2000 and 2001 until a very good friend in Tenerife asked me ”why don’t you move here permanently?” I went back to Norway after Christmas 2001 and decided to think seriously about this.
Just one week after I arrived back in Norway January 2002, my Golden Retriever, Ferdinand became seriously ill and died within a few days. That helped me make up my mind for my next move. By Easter I had put my apartment up for sale and given my notice in at work. Everybody thought I was nuts!, but I had made a decision it was time to move on, it was like now or never as I wasn’t getting any younger!

By September I was living in Los Cristianos, it all happened so fast one minute I was in Norway and the next in Tenerife. I suppose that’s the way I do things, that’s what my friends say anyway. The first year I worked for a Norwegian company over the internet so that gave me a good start.
At the same time I started to interest myself in long-term apartment rentals. It was very hard to find an apartment when I was looking, so I presumed that most people had the same problem. A very close friend of mine was listening to a program on the Norwegian radio one Sunday, and when it was finished she phoned me to say that the Norwegian pensioners were having problems finding apartments in Tenerife for 6 months during the winter months, and she added ”can you do anything to help?”. I immediately e.mailed the presenter of the program and told her that I would help in anyway I could. She phoned me within a couple of days and to cut a long story short I ended up live on the radio the following Sunday. Well, my phone has never never stopped after that.

I would like to thank everybody that has loved, supported and believed in me throughout the years.


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